Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Spring, TX (877) 804-1531

Care for those who do have a dual diagnosis in Spring, Texas, are readily available and specialist are prepared to offer the top of top-notch treatment needed for this specific category of patient.

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, a lot of things are far from straightforward. On paper, it might be easy to point to when a person started abusing drugs, when they became addicted, if they entered recovery, did they have any relapses, and so on in reviewing their case and diagnosis. However, many times there are a lot more facts to uncover. Has a patient abused any other substances besides the one that has caused their addiction?

What were the factors that lead to them starting to abuse drugs or alcohol? If they were in drug and alcohol rehab in Spring, TX already, what type of program were they in and why didn't it work to successfully keep them clean and sober? Finally, do they have any other underlying medical or mental health conditions besides their addiction to drugs or alcohol?

If a person does have a co-existing mental disorder in addition to being an addict or alcoholic, treatment for dual diagnosis can be the best way to have their co-occurring illnesses addressed properly. Dual diagnosis treatment programs have been developed to help addicts and alcoholics deal with their addiction in addition to any other mental disorder they may have, no matter the severity, simultaneously so that the best possible outcome can be the result.

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

When referring to a person addicted to drugs or alcohol, a dual diagnosis is the medical scenario wherein they suffer from both addiction, which in itself is a mental disorder, as well as another mental disease. In the past, individuals who had co-existing disorders with one being addiction did not receive what is now thought of as treatment for dual diagnosis but were referred separately to two different medical disciplines, as if they had a broken leg and severe indigestion.

Over the last few decades, dual diagnosis treatment programs have been developed to help patients have their two disorders treated concurrently so that treatment of one disease does not interfere with the care for another. This is the basis for the care available for patients with a dual diagnosis in Spring.

Experts who work with patients who have a dual diagnosis in Spring see many different scenarios as to how the co-existing disorders a patient has come have develop. There is no set order in which the co-occurring mental disorders progress in each patient, meaning that a person can be an addict and develop a second mental disorder or the other way around.

It is much more prevalent than most people would think for individuals to have co-existing disorders and need treatment for dual diagnosis. In fact, nearly one in three people suffering from addiction also have or develop another mental disorder and can use the assistance of one of the available dual diagnosis treatment programs in their area.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

There are many types of mental disorders and in each case they can range from mild to severe. There are also distinctions between a person experiencing certain symptoms of what can be a mental disorder -- like OCD, depression, and anxiety -- and needing treatment from a mental health professional.

For example, anyone can be depressed now and again or feel anxious about something going on in their life without having the medical or mental health diagnosis that an individual who often experiences these conditions may be diagnosed with and receive treatment for individually or as part of treatment for dual diagnosis.

Along with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), depression, and anxiety someone who has an addiction may also be diagnosed with bipolar, schizophrenia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or other mental conditions such as eating disorders.

Why is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Necessary? What are the Benefits?

Dual diagnosis treatment programs in Spring, TX are developed to make sure that individuals who have co-existing disorders can be treated properly and in a way that helps them in recovery from addiction and mitigate the symptoms of their other, co-occurring disorder.

When an person takes part in treatment for dual diagnosis in Spring the medical staff and rehab specialists involved in their care insure that taking a step forward in one of their treatments doesn't result in a setback in the other. That is one of the major keys to of treatment for dual diagnosis, the assurance that there is no negative impact to any person's life or the care they receive. Call  Spring Alcohol Rehab at (877) 804-1531 for more information regarding dual diagnosis.

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